Home / Disclosure
Disclosure Soil Secrets is a multi-vendor ecommerce platform that sells organic products and services from different vendors. We strive to provide a transparent and trustworthy experience for our customers, and we want to disclose the following information:
Vendor Information: All products and services listed on our website are provided by independent vendors who have registered with Soil Secrets. We do not own or operate any of the vendors, nor do we have any control over their products or services.
Product Information: We make every effort to provide accurate and complete information about the products and services listed on our website, including their features, benefits, and limitations. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided by the vendors.
Reviews and Ratings: We encourage our customers to share their experiences and feedback about the products and services they purchase from our vendors. We provide a review and rating system to help our customers make informed decisions about their purchases. However, we do not control or influence the reviews or ratings submitted by our customers.
Fees and Commissions: We charge a commission on the sales made by our vendors on our platform. The commission rates may vary depending on the type of product or service sold. We also charge fees for certain services, such as payment processing and shipping. The fees and commissions charged by Soil Secrets are disclosed to our vendors during the registration process.
Conflict of Interest: We strive to avoid any conflicts of interest that may arise from our relationship with our vendors. We do not endorse or promote any specific vendor or product over another, and we do not receive any incentives or compensation for promoting any vendor or product.
Changes to the Disclosure: We reserve the right to modify this disclosure content at any time, so please review it frequently. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately upon their posting on our website. If you have any questions or concerns about our disclosure content, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our customer service team is always available to assist you.

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