Amrut Bindu 8ml (pack of 5)

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Amrut Bindu Benefits :
Viral Fever
Boost the Immunity

Product Description

Amrit Bindu is a powerful and unique combination of Ayurvedic herbs that is highly beneficial for treating a wide range of health issues. This natural remedy can be used for treating cough, viral infection, mental health problems, headaches and more. It is especially useful in the current times of the coronavirus pandemic as it helps to boost the immune system. To use Amrit Bindu, simply mix two drops of the herbal blend in water and consume it. This organic and natural product is sourced from Nisarg Organic Farm and contains Fudina Sattva, Ajma Sattva and Kapoor Sattva. Try Amrit Bindu today and experience the health benefits it has to offer.

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