Bottle Gourd Powder

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As low as ₹190.00

Bottle Gourd Powder Benefits :
Cools your body
Helps in weight loss
Treats urinary tract infections
Cures tummy troubles
Keep your heart healthy
Relieves stress

Product Description

Bottle gourd powder is a powerhouse of essential vitamins, iron, and natural mineral calories that provide an excellent source of energy. Not only does it taste great when cooked as a vegetable, but it also offers numerous health benefits. This natural, nutrient-rich powder is a great addition to any balanced diet. Bottle gourd has been used for centuries to help with various health conditions such as fever, cough, pain, and asthma. It is rich in vitamins B, C, and other nutrients, making it a great addition to any diet. Enjoy the health benefits of bottle gourd and make it part of your daily routine today.

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