Ginger Chai

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Pour fresh boiling water over an infusion bag in a cup (1 bag per cup). Infuse for 3-5 minutes or longer. Double the strength when served iced. Best when consumed without milk.    


1-2 cups a day

Units per pack: 25 herbal infusion bags per box    

Ingredients: Black Tea (60.00%), Vana Tulsi (36.00%) and Ginger (40.00%)    

Has expiration: Consumer within a month from the date of opening of pack.

Shelf life : Best before 30 months from packaging    

Require temp :   Store in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight.  

Product Description

Organic Wellness Ginger Chai is a refreshing mix of strong Black Tea and punchy Ginger. Black Tea helps to keep you active and alert due to its high caffeine content. It is also good for the digestive system due to the presence of tannins. Ginger helps to fight various respiratory ailments and inflammation caused by environmental allergens. Powerful antioxidants in Ginger help strengthen your immunity.    

Bullet Point

"✔Has Antioxidant Properties: Antioxidants are known to provide a host of health benefits. Consuming them can help remove free radicals and decrease cell damage in the body. This ultimately may help decrease the risk of chronic disease. Polyphenols are a type of antioxidant found in certain foods and beverages, including black tea
✔May Boost Heart Health: Black tea contains another group of antioxidants called flavonoids, which benefit heart health.
✔May Improve Focus: Help improve focus due to its content of caffeine and an amino acid called L-theanine. This amino acid increases alpha activity in the brain, which can help improve focus and alertness
vGinger chai is a great non-sweetened beverage that can help improve the use of insulin and reduce blood sugar
✔May Improve Gut Health: The gut houses trillions of bacteria and the majority of your immune system. Polyphenols and antimicrobial properties found in black tea may help improve gut health and immunity"    

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