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Promotes hair growth and a healthy scalp.Dandruff control. Shikakai also helps combat dandruff. And dandruff, if not treated on time, can cause temporary hair loss.

Regular use of Shikakai organic powder helps to reduce dandruff and maintains scalps pH balance.

Antifungal properties nourish scalp and keeps away dryness and itchiness.

Product Description

Shikakai is an Indian herb which has many benefits. Shikakai is used in soaps and detergents because of its foaming properties. Shikakai can be applied directly on hair by adding water and making a paste, it can be mixed with other herbs as well. Shikakai removes hair oil and also strengthens hair roots, also helpful in getting rid of dandruff. Shikakai is a great hair cleanser and conditioner.Do not get confused with the hardness of the packing.This product comes in a vacuum packing which appears to be hard or wet but once you open the pack you will find the original powder form only .
Shikakai is the solution to incessant hair fall, luster less hairs. It enhances your beauty and makes your hair soft, beautiful, radiant and thick. It is best for maintaining the health of both scalp and hair. It is high in vitamins A, C, K and D, along with other antioxidants that are important for hair growth.
• Why is Shikakai Good for Your Hair?
• Makes Your Hair Soft and Shiny.
• Soothes a Dry Scalp.
• Helps Get Rid of Stubborn Dandruff.
• Aids Hair Growth.
• Slows Down Greying of Hair.
• Helps Get Rid of Hair Lice.
• Soothes an Itchy Scalp.

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