Natural Health Products Triphala 200g

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It contains vitamin C, flavonoids, polyphenols, tannins and saponins, along with other potent plant compounds.

These compounds help fight oxidative stress caused by free radicals, which are molecules that can damage cells and contribute to chronic disease.

Triphala penetrates deep into the roots of hair follicles, nourishes it and it helps to prevents hair fall.

Triphala prevents the dryness of the scalp ultimately it helps to reduce dandruff.

Product Description

"Though you may have never heard of Triphala, an ancient Ayurvedic treatment used a healing remedy for over 1,000 years.

It is an ayurvedic herb which comprises three different herbs - haritaki, vibhitaki and amla. 'Tri' refers to 3 and 'phal' refers to fruits in Sanskrit. When these 3 are combined together, we get Triphala. It is rich in vitamin c, antioxidants and has anti-fungal properties as well. Triphala strengthens hair from the root, prevents hair loss and also eliminates dandruff which often causes hair fall.

Triphala has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine since ancient times as a multi-purpose treatment for symptoms ranging from stomach ailments to dental cavities. It is also believed to promote longevity and overall health.

In one study, rats fed a high-fat diet supplemented with Triphala had more significant reductions in body weight, energy intake and body fat, compared to mice who were not supplemented with Triphala.

Typically, recommended doses range from 500 mg to one gram per day, though larger amounts can be used to treat symptoms like constipation (45Trusted Source). Powdered versions can be mixed with warm water and honey and taken before meals. This powder can also be mixed with ghee, a type of clarified butter, and added to warm water for a soothing drink. Additionally, it can be mixed with honey to form an edible paste.

It can help prevent inflammation, and test-tube studies have demonstrated a possible protective effect against certain cancers.

It’s also used as a natural alternative treatment for constipation and dental issues like excess plaque and gum inflammation. It may even help with weight loss.
With so many purported health benefits, Triphala may be a worthwhile natural remedy to add your routine."

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