Nisarg Panchagavya Soap 65g (15pcs)

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Panchagavya soap ingredients :
Multani mitti
Meda lakadi
Shankh jeera
Pudina satva
Neem oil
Mustard oil

Nisarg Panchgavya Soap Benefits :
This Soap is Very Useful in all Types of Skin Diseases

Product Description

Nisarg Panchagavya is an anti-bacterial soap made from traditional ingredients like Multani mitti, tilli tel and Neem ras. This soap is free from any chemicals, meat, and sodium Sulphate, making it skin-friendly, eco-friendly, and harmless. Not only does this soap brighten the skin, make it fresh and glowing, but it also protects us from radiation, pollution, and infection. It is extremely effective in treating skin disorders and purifying the whole body, and its herbs help to kill bacteria and improve blood flow. Applying the soap to your heels makes them soft and smooth.

In addition, by using products made from Gir cow’s excreta, you can help protect and maintain the sacred Vedic dharma of the Gir cow, while also helping to protect yourself from leprosy, cirrhosis, and other skin diseases. Nisarg panchagavya soap is the perfect way to stay healthy and safe while also respecting the traditions of the past.

Panchagavya soap price is not more the Our Skin Health. Panchagavya Soap Patanjali also good in Market But Our Product is Pure and Natural.

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