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White pepper contains many active components which are good for our health. Rich in antioxidants. Used in Ayurveda preparation

Main substance is piperine.
* capsaicin in white pepper helps burn excess fat in the body, thus good for obese people.
* it contains anti-inflammatory properties.
* digestion of food and reduces flatulence (gas).
* reduces high blood pressure, thus helps for the health of heart.
* white pepper is good for bone health. it is traditionally used to treat arthritis.
* good for lungs. It helps removal of excess mucus. Good for the management of respiratory problems including cold and cough. Most of the ayurveda medicine for respiratory health contain white pepper.
* good for brain, as it prevents degeneration of brain cells.
* as white pepper helps in proper metabolism in the body, energy level is automatically increased.

Product Description

White pepper contains many active components which are good for our health. Rich in antioxidants. Used in Ayurveda preparation

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