Organic Wellness Acne-Never 90 Capsules

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1-2 capsules with food and water twice a day for at least 3 months or as directed by healthcare provider. Safe for long term use    

Ingredients: Neem leaves, Neem flowers, Neem soft twigs, Katuki    

Has expiration: Consumer within a month from the date of opening of pack.    

Shelf life: 3 years from manufucture    

Require temp: Store in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight.    

Product Description

Organic Wellness Neem is the best natural blood purifier that keeps our entire body healthy and gives us a clean radiant skin. But it might not be possible for us to find fresh neem extract every time. In such cases, neem capsules can be a viable alternative. These are extremely effective neem products, which contain either neem leaves or pure neem extract. Hence, oral intake of these capsules can give you equal results with lesser efforts. Neem capsules have amazing antibacterial qualities. Hence, it can help us combat acne-causing bacteria and keep all sorts of breakouts away.    

 Bullet Point    

"Benefits of Amla:

Detoxifies and rejuvenates the digestive system and GI tract.
Helps with digestion and promotes hair growth.
Amla, being one of the richest sources of Vitamin C, fulfils your needs perfectly.
Helps Fight against the Common Cold.
Lowers Cholesterol levels.
Aids weight loss.
Improves digestive processes.
Supports healthy Blood Glucose.
Consumption of Amla can help support Cancer treatment."    


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