Organic Wellness Amla Powder 100 Gram Tin

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Directions: Add 1/2 - 1 teaspoon to your food, smoothie, yogurt or flour and blend well. Consume on empty stomach for 3 months or as directed by healthcare provider. Safe for long term use.    

Ingredients: Organic Amla    

Has expiration: Best before 12 months of packaging    

Shelf life: Best before 12 months of packaging    

Require temp: Store in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight.    

Product Description

Short Description: Indian Gooseberry- Amla Powder: It’s multipurpose in its benefits. You can use it as a hair conditioner or immunity booster or a face pack.

Health benefits of Indian Gooseberry- Amla Powder:

Amla, an organic herb and said to be beneficial in all the three ‘doshas’ ( Vata, Pitta and Kapha).

1) Amla for skin: 

It is the inherent desire of every human being to look younger but our skin is subjected to ageing process right from the day we were born. Exposure to sun results on free radical damage of the skin cells. This leads to dry, wrinkled, hyperpigmented and inelastic skin. Amla being antioxidant in nature protects our skin cells against oxidative stress and promotes collagen formation that improves skin elasticity.

Drinking Amla Powder daily for a month or two thightens the skin, removes wrinkles, brings natural glow on the face, removes hyperpigmentation and scars of skin. In short, Amla reverses the signs of ageing and gives a youthful appearance.

2) Amla for hair:

Premature graying of hair and hairfall at an early age are all signs of elevated Pitta in body. Since, Amla is very effective in balancing the pitta dosha so it prevents premature graying of hair and stimulates hair growth.

Dried amla powder mixed in coconut oil and heated for few minutes is an effective conditioner that prevents graying of hair and promotes hair growth. The water that is left behind after boiling the Amla is very nutritive and can be used for rinsing the hair.

3) Amla for eyes:

Amla has been shown in research studies to improve eyesight. Amla is high in Vitamin A content therefore Amla is capable of increasing and stabilizing eyesight.

Regular consumption of Amla ensures healthy eyesight even in old age. It is useful in treating conjuctivitis and glaucoma. Including organic amla powder in daily diet will help improve eyesight.

4) Amla for menstrual problems:

Amla helps in correcting irregular menstrual cycles and excessive bleeding during menses.

5) Amla in digestion:

It enhances digestion. It keeps constipation at bay due to its laxative properties. Amla is useful in curing hyperacidity, nausea and vomiting.

6) Amla to reduce Inflammation:

Amla possesses potent anti-inflammatory activity both in acute and chronic inflammation. Therefore, including Amla in daily diet can help in treating inflammatory disorders."    

About this item    :-

Healthy hair growth
Reduces dandruff
Good for your heart
Removes dead skin cells
✔Package Content: 1 amla powder 100 grams    

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