Organic Wellness Basil Seeds 100 grams

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Directions: 1 teaspoon or as directed by healthcare provider    

Ingredients: Basil seeds    

Has expiration: Best before 12 months of packaging    

Shelf life: Best before 12 months of packaging        

Require temp: Store in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight.    

Product Description

Short Description: Organic wellness basil seeds are high in fibre and have the property to expand. So when you soak them they become muscilaginous. However, these seeds be consumed after soaking them in a glass of water. They can mixed in juice or smoothie. You can organic wellness honey as sweetner.    

About this item

✔Basil seeds are high in fibre and have many health benefits
✔It has ability to improve digestive health, very helpful in weight loss
✔Regulating blood sugar, cooling the body, relieving stress, reducing inflammation and preventing certain infections
✔Basil seeds have the property to expand, so when you soak them they become muscilaginous
✔Basil seeds are a powerhouse of nutrition and packed with immunity-boosting properties"    

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