Organic Wellness Giloy Powder 100 Gram Tin

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Directions: 1 teaspoon    

Ingredients: Organic Giloy    

Has expiration: Best before 12 months of packaging    

Shelf life: Best before 12 months of packaging    

Require temp: Store in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight.    

Product Description

Short Directions: Organic Wellness - Giloy Powder has organic giloy. Which is a powerhouse of antioxidants which fights free-radicals and keeps the cells healthy. It helps to remove toxins, immune support, also known as guruchi, guruch, and amrita is a time tested ayurvedic herb, which is recommended to maintain healthy immunity, body’s own capacity to protect against infections in particular and diseases in general. It’s anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, further add to immunity support.    

About this item
✔Help to boost immune system
✔Its Help to Maintain healthy immunity with Other Issue as well
✔Anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory; Quantity: 100 Gram; Target Audience: Men & Women
✔Powerhouse of antioxidants which fights free-radicals made with certify organic method , immunity booster - by organic wellness  

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