Organic Wellness Groundnut Oil, 2 litres

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Use for cooking or massaging    

Ingredients: Groundnut Oil    

Has expiration: Best before 3 months of packaging    

Shelf life: Best before 3 months of packaging    

Require temp: Store in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight.

Product Description

Organic Wellness Groundnut Oil helps to boosts heart health: The oil is also rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that are linked to a lowered risk of heart disease. It enhances Cognitive Health. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, the oil enhances cognitive health, especially in older individuals. It treats Dry Skin: Topical application of groundnut oil also helps treat dry skin, thanks to its moisturizing properties. It boosts hair growth. The oil reduces protein loss from the hair and even thickens your tresses.    

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