Organic Wellness Diabo-Fit 90 Capsules

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1-2 capsules with food and water twice a day for at least 3 months or as directed by a healthcare provider. Safe for long-term use    

Ingredients: Shatavari root, Shwet Musli root, Guduchi stem root, Brahmi leaves, Lodhra bark, Saffron threads    

Shelf life: 3 years from manufucture    

Require temp: 3 years from manufucture    

Product Description

Organic Wellness Diabo-Fit has Bimbi, Sadabahar & Bougainvillea that control diabetes naturally and in combination with Katuki, effectively: Removes fat deposits from the liver, Controls high blood pressure Indications: Type 2 Diabetes, Liver ailments    

About this item
Diabo Fit improves the utilization of glucose in the blood and can be used together with conventional anti-biotic medicines
Improves senstivity of insulin receptors, and is a natural source of pinitol
Helps reduce mood swings due to cravings for sugary foods
Supports healthy insulin response, Helps to normalize energy levels
Healthy insulin response and glycemic control

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