Organic Wellness Jaundice Care Kit

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1-2 capsules with food and water twice a day for at least 3 months or as directed by a healthcare provider. Safe for long-term use    

ingredients: Jaundice Care Kit    

Shelf life: Best before 12 months of packaging    

Require temp: Store in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight.    

Product Description

"In Medical terms, Jaundice is defined as a condition of yellowing of the skin and white parts of eyes that happen when the body doesn’t process bilirubin properly. Bilirubin is defined as an orange-yellow pigment that is formed in the liver by the breakdown of haemoglobin and excreted in bile. If there is an increase in the level of bilirubin it can leak into the surrounding tissues that are known as Hyperbilirubinemia and it causes the yellow colour in the skin and eyes. Common symptoms include – pale stool, dark urine, itchiness, vomiting, fever, abdominal pain, fatigue, etc.

In Organic, treatment of jaundice is done by cooling down the aggravated body energies by using herbs that stimulate the function of the liver and increase the flow of bile in the bile duct. Organic Wellness recommended you the best treatment to cure the condition of Jaundice by ‘’Jaundice Care Kit’’, which involves herbal and natural remedies that will surely treat the condition of Jaundice."    

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