Prickly Pear Syrup 300ml (pack of 6)

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Findala Spirulina Syrup Benefits :
Increase Hemoglobin
Strengthen Bones And Teeth
Lower Cholesterol
Control Diabetes
Boost Immunity
Improve Eyesight
Soothe The Stomach
Act As A Natural Detoxifier

Product Description

Findala Spirulina Syrup How To Use Findala Spirulina Syrup ?

You can Use With 150ml water and 50ml Findala Spirulina Syrup.
Prickly pear, or cactus pear, has been used since ancient times for its high nutritional value. It is a rich source of various minerals, such as iron, calcium, sodium, and more. Hematological studies have shown that its consumption helps to increase hemoglobin, white blood cells, and platelets, making it suitable for all levels of vitamin-B12 intake. Additionally, due to the loss of red blood cells that cancer patients may experience post-chemotherapy, prickly pear is an excellent source to help increase hemoglobin levels.

This Product is Very Useful For Hemoglobin and Vitamin B12.

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