Stevia Leaf Powder

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As low as ₹190.00

Stevia Leaf Powder Benefits :
Regulation of Blood Pressure
Controlling Weight Gain
Sweetener for Diabetics
Controls Tumor Growth
Protects Teeth from Dental Caries
Anti-inflammatory Property
How to Use Stevia Leaf Powder :
Take with green tea (without milk).
Take with Cold drinks .
Take with any Food Item.

Product Description

Stevia Leaf Powder
Stevia is a natural sugar substitute that is quickly becoming known for its health benefits. Not only is it a safe and healthy alternative to refined sugar, but it can also help reduce your calorie intake, regulate blood sugar levels, and even reduce your risk of cavities. Plus, it’s an all-natural sweetener, so you don’t have to worry about any of the negative health effects that often come with refined sugar. Try out stevia today to experience these amazing benefits for yourself!

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