Tulsi Green Tea Classic

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Directions :
Pour fresh boiling water over an infusion bag in a cup (1 bag per cup). Infuse for 3-5 minutes or longer. Double the strength when served iced. Best when consumed without milk.
Dosage :
1-2 cups a day
ingredients : 

Green Tea (40.00%), Vana Tulsi (20.00%), Rama Tulsi (20.00%) and Krishna Tulsi (20.00%)
has expiration :
Consumer within a month from the date of opening of pack.
shelf life :
Best before 30 months from packaging
require temp :
Store in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight.
Units per pack :
25 herbal infusion bags per box

Product Description

Organic Wellness Tulsi Green Tea Classic is a special blend of Tulsi and Green Tea. Tulsi is a great stress reliever and strengthens the immune system. Rich in antioxidants, it helps eliminate toxins from the body that cause free radical damage to cells. Green tea increases the rate of metabolism, helps burn the fat and assists in effective long term weight management.

Combination of Tulsi (Rama, Krishna and Vana) and Green Tea naturally supports the immune and cardiovascular system and promotes detoxification Green Tea Classic help in reducing the stress level due to its Tulsi properties, it also strengthens our immune system which helps in fighting cough and cold Tulsi Green Tea Classic help in reducing obesity if taken properly, since it helps in burning more calories. Proper diet control is also needed Tulsi Green Tea Classic due to strong adaptogen and staminator effect helps in improving the working capacity of the individuals Excess of uric acid formation occurs due to high caffeine content in normal tea, which causes pain in our bone joints. Thus, Tulsi Green Tea Classic due to its very less and natural caffeine content forms less uric acid thus beneficial to our joints

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